Why I am not a Liberal, Socialist or Communist

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Location: St Augustine, Florida, United States

Among other things I am a father, grandfather, brother, uncle and fortunate member of a large and loving family without a throw-away in the bunch. Now a writer of quips, essays and short stories, I started serious writing and my first novel at age 70. A chemical engineering graduate of Purdue University in 1949, I am a dreamer who would like to be a poet, a cosmologist, a true environmentalist and a naturalist. I've become a lecturer on several subjects. That's my little buddy, Charlie, with me in the photo. He's an energetic, very friendly Lhasa Apso born in September, 2003. He's a good one!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why I am not a liberal, socialist, communist or Democrat:

I look at all politicians with a great deal of suspicion. Many are power hungry control freaks who abuse the trust given them and serve themselves before and above the voters who put them in office. Politicians are not the only ones fitting this mold. There are many individuals and groups that wield power and influence over others on virtually every scale. These are the mighty, the rich and famous in both public and private pursuits. In addition to politics they include: business, law, media, entertainment, finance, education, sports, and even religion. Most have huge, self-serving egos. Their goal in life seems to be focused on gaining money, power and fame for themselves. Like Monkey Kings, they wield their power, fame and money to aggrandize themselves and gain influence and control.

I can understand these people far better than most. Some I know as really decent, caring individuals who nonetheless spout the hatred and vitriol coming from many politicians on the left. A few instances illustrate my point. Recently I was riding in a vehicle with several people I knew to be rabid liberals. They assumed me to be just as rabid a right wing Christian fundamentalist. (Far from the truth by any measure) Knowing their views from the extreme left I can see why they think that way. In fact, while they view me as an extreme right winger, my conservative friends see me as far too liberal politically for their tastes. One in the vehicle launched a diatribe against George Bush citing his support for Ken Lay and other capitalist crooks, the war in Iraq and several other statements condemning Bush, Cheney and Republicans in general. I thought of mentioning that Ken Lay was as much a friend of the Clintons as of GW, but decided to keep still and let it pass. In a similar situation earlier I had replied that I heard only hatred, vitriol and condemnation coming from liberals and quoted Howard Dean’s "I hate Republicans! I hate Conservatives! And I hate Rush Limbaugh!" as an example. I was greeted only with a stream of expletives with no sound reasons why they felt that way, no defenses of their champions, and certainly no proposals about any solutions to any of the problems. It was quite evident they never listened to anything or anyone who had opposing views.

Several times I had tried to discuss possible solutions, workable solutions, to some of our most pressing problems. The best response I have received to these solutions is a condescending silence. No discussion, no looking at the solutions, only words similar to Dean’s famous remarks. Apparently these liberals treat their political beliefs as a religion and they are fundamentalists, following edicts and mantras passed down from the powers that control the movement. I have described those people "Feudals" after the feudal system that came out of the dark ages in Europe where Lords literally "owned" the serfs that lived in their territory. Socialism/communism is the modern version of feudalism where the "state" controls every aspect of the lives of common folks (serfs) and where government and government officials take the role of "Lords" and control them.

Why do I say this and why do I feel so strongly about the dangers to our nation posed by liberals and their media supporters?

The predictions of liberals are almost always wrong.

1. When sweeping changes in welfare requiring recipients to work were put into law, liberals predicted thousands would be unable to survive and there would be a major crisis. They were dead wrong. Former welfare recipients went to work in unprecedented numbers and removed themselves from welfare roles. Of course, you didn’t see that reported by the main stream media. Republican version of an old Chinese saying: "If you give a man a fish he has food for a day and will be back the next day for another fish. If you teach him to fish he has food from then on and will rely on his own efforts." Liberal Democrat version of the same saying: "If you give a man a fish he has food for a day and will vote for you as long as you keep giving him fish. So take fish away from those who catch them and keep giving them out. If you teach him to fish he has food from then on and will not be beholden to you for anything so make him angry with all those who have fish and whatever you do don’t teach him to fish."

2. When Republicans lowered taxes, liberals predicted huge deficits and lowered tax receipts. They were dead wrong! Deficits have been cut in half and tax receipts are now higher than ever in history. Of course, you didn’t see that reported by the main stream media.

3. When George W. Bush promised the deficit would be cut in half by 2009, liberals ridiculed him as "stupid" and "unrealistic" and that the deficit was going through the roof. Bush was right and the liberals were dead wrong! Deficits have been cut in half this year, three years ahead of the promised date. Of course, you didn’t see that reported by the main stream media.

4. After 9-11 liberals predicted the economy (the worst since the great depression according to their leaders and the media) was going into the tank. They were dead wrong! Bush’s tax cuts spurred the economy to heights far above the .com boom of the Clinton years and shows no sign of slackening any time soon. This despite years of predictions to the contrary by liberal main stream media pundits.

Differences in treatment of Republicans and Democrats in trouble.
There are many examples. I will use only one.

Republican inappropriate sex - Representative Mark Foley of Florida who is accused of sexually explicit Internet communication with a page is blasted by the media with a total more than 150 negative reports by ABC, NBC and CBS combined. The New York Times (Liberal Isvestia) lead the charge. Foley resigns his seat in congress in shame and continues being the subject of critical reports by the main stream media. The Republican party severely chastised Foley who had not been convicted of anything. The liberal main stream media continue bashing the Republicans with Foley.

Democrat inappropriate sex - Representative Mel Reynolds of Chicago who in 1995 was convicted of having actual sex, (not Internet sex) with an underage campaign worker and sent to prison was treated to a mere twenty reports by NBC, and CBS combined. He was never mentioned by ABC who had earlier in the year touted him as "Person of the Week" and praised him for his work with young people. In 2001 he was pardoned by President Clinton.

The following describes the essence of how liberals treat criminal politicians like Mel Reynolds who spout their agenda:

"Jessie Jackson has added former Chicago democratic congressman Mel Reynolds to Rainbow / PUSH Coalition's payroll. Reynolds was among the 176 criminals excused in President Clinton's last-minute forgiveness spree.

"Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a- half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud and lies to the Federal Election Commission. He is more notorious; however, for concurrently serving five years for sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer.

"This is a first in American politics: An ex-congressman who had sex with a subordinate, won clemency from a president who had sex with a subordinate then was hired by a clergyman who had sex with a subordinate. His new job? .....Youth counselor."

Once again the Main stream media will never report on this.

Quite obviously is much better to be a liberal Democrat if you are a criminal. Republicans punish members merely accused of wrong doings. Democrats applaud and support members convicted even of major crimes. Yes! There is a difference.

Liberals and al Qu’ida - the unholy alliance

Why is it that so many al Qu’ida spokesmen repeat the exact same condemnations of America and the Bush administration as liberal hate mongers like Howard Dean, Ted Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi? It’s really quite simple - both groups want the same things: America out of the Middle East, America to lose in Iraq, America humiliated and defeated, the American economy in a shambles. The reason?

1. If Bush’s America wins in Iraq and turns Iraq into a viable democracy, all four of these plans of the Islamic terrorists and liberal Democrats will be thwarted. This will deal a savage blow to both Islamic terrorists and liberal Democrats. If America loses they both win. If America wins, they both lose.

2. If the economy continues as it has, stimulated by the Bush tax cut, Democrats will have another huge hurdle to get over, "It’s the economy, stupid!" That’s why liberals and their media supporters are constantly saying how bad the economy is in spite of realities to the contrary in virtually every single economic indicators. Remember, "The worst economy since the great depression." How anyone could believe that in the face of what they can easily see every day in mind boggling, but some do. Go figure!

Hate filled zealots have hijacked the Democrat party.

The attitude of elitist liberal zealots is: "I know I’m right - I won’t listen to anyone who disagrees with me - My agenda defines truth and reality - no ideas other than mine have any value, all are evil." This superiority complex attitude is confirmation of Eric Hoffer’s insightful words as applied to the current liberal Democrat party. He said,

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance. A mass movement offers them unlimited opportunities for both."
"All mass movements avail themselves of action as a means of unification. The conflicts a mass movement seeks and incites serve not only to down its enemies but also to strip its followers of their distinct individuality and render them more soluble in the collective medium."
"There is apparently some connection between dissatisfaction with oneself and proneness to credulity. The urge to escape our real self is also an urge to escape the rational and the obvious. The refusal to see ourselves as we are develops a distaste for facts and cold logic. There is no hope for the frustrated in the actual and the possible. Salvation can come to them only from the miraculous, which seeps through a crack in the iron wall of inexorable reality. They asked to be deceived."
"The uncompromising attitude is more indicative of an inner uncertainty than a deep conviction. The implacable stand is directed more against the doubt within than the assailant without."

There is no doubt the liberal who now control the Democrat party concentrate on passionate hatred. It has become their main if not sole tool in elections. Just listen to their campaign speeches, their declarations, their campaign ads, their passionate lies about the economy and their dire predictions about how terrible everything is from the environment to fuel, to poverty, to employment, to the Iraq war to virtually every facet of our nation’s activities. Leadership of the Democrats has made them become the party of passionate hatred impugning every opponent with hate filled diatribes and emotion and completely ignoring even the hint of attention to any of the very serious issues facing the American people. Since they know they can not win with ideas of how to deal with the issues they rely on hatred and inflaming the mob emotionally beyond all reason.

Unfortunately, the highly biased main stream media has a powerful influence on unsophisticated individuals. Many of these occasional voters know far far more about the private lives of Paris Hilton and other pop-culture idols than even the names of important public officials. Surveys and man-on-the-street interviews prove this without a doubt. Sad, but true. It is no wonder so few of them ever vote, but maybe that’s better for the nation. The continuing dumbing down of the nation provides masses easy to influence with emotion rather reason. Unfortunately for the left, those individuals do not vote in significant numbers.

Predictions - what I see in our future if liberal Democrats win in November.


1. Iraq:
After our withdrawal, the Iraq civil war will grow until the entire nation is in chaos. Soon the Shia governments of Iran and Syria will move in. There will be massive genocide in the Kurdish and Sunni sections as the Iranians consolidate their control. Iraq will become a fundamentalist Islamic client state of Iran.

2. Afghanistan: Shortly after we abandon Iraq in defeat, we will withdraw from Afghanistan. Soon after the Taliban will return, take over and pick up where they left off.

3. Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the Arabian peninsula: Islamic terrorists will move in and subvert the entire area eventually setting up a fundamentalist Islamic state or states with Sharia law.

4. Pakistan: Musharif will be overthrown, probably murdered, and Islamic fundamentalists will take over creating another Islamic state with Sharia law.

At this point the entire middle east surrounded by Turkey, Russia, China and India, will be under Sharia law and controlled by fundamentalist Muslim mullahs. Israel will have been eradicated. The Caliphate will be complete and in control. Most of the world’s oil will be under their control. With money for oil coming in from China and India, oil shipments to America will be shut off - our economy will collapse.

At some time in the next twenty-five years, Muslims will take over most of Europe.


1. One of the liberal government’s very first actions will be to silence talk radio by invoking the so-called "fairness doctrine." They will also revoke the license of Fox news under some pretense. At this time the liberals will be in firm control of all means of communications and opposition will have no voice. This is already true at most college campuses and it will be easy to then impose on the entire nation.

2. The Bush tax cuts are revoked - taxes go up - gas prices go through the roof - the economy falls - tax receipts drop precipitously and the deficit explodes.

3. With the economy in free fall, the federal government will begin nationalizing private industry and the US will become a Socialist state. The liberals will have achieved their goal.

4. Social Security will be bankrupt and will be replaced by a new socialist welfare program with an infinite number of controls.

5. A government healthcare system will be put in place and within a year and very soon thereafter it will take a year to get an appointment with a doctor, even for some major problems. Many individuals will have serious problems with the long waits for healthcare.